Take this strain from my eyes
Fill it with the devil's guise
Into this darker light
I follow you down
The jaws of death are but the beginning
You feed my flame
Into this void we stride
Laughing on as we plummet
Honeyed lips stilled by baited breath
Two pulled, tugged, gripped as one
Passions furious embrace takes hold
Into this new dimension we pass
Warm breeze across soft pale skin
Moonlight glows from within
Taken in
So much more then ever thought true or real
Hearts ablaze as we entwine
We revel in the taste of it all
Giggles of delight
Gently sighing moans fill the air
This magick life
Golden mists swirl, ethereal
Across our bodies
Can this be real
Or is it the dream
From which we never wake
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