The sun spills it’s warming rays down
Covering my shoulders like a blanket
My bare skin absorbs the light and heat
Turning a tawny golden brown
I walk with purpose, steadily
The footsteps fall one after the other
Over and over, pulling me closer
This is the day that I get my life back
I have made the decision to hate you
I will feel no mercy or compassion
Just as you had none for me
When I had to live beneath your gaze
I'll always carry the memory of your eyes
How they would change at times
To those of a hungry predator
Narrowing on the weak or injured
I saw the next move enter your mind
I watched as you would prepare
For the ecstacy of the hunt
Your muscles twitching in anticipation
Your lips curling back to bare your teeth
Half smiling from savoring the pleasure
Half sneering with unlevened hate
A throaty growl rumbling in your chest
Even when I saw you ducking down
Inching even closer to your target
Stalking with the stealth of a animal
Caught in your gaze I'm trapped
You strike when I least expect
I’m blinded by trust and innocence
My naivity keeps me primed and ready
To fall victim to your attack
It was far too late for me fight you
When I realized what you were doing
For your eyes had narrowed, focused
And they came to settle on me
You found it easy to make me stumble
Yes, I fell quickly to your predation
But what you were not expecting
Is that I would get back up
I saw your fascination with my will
I was more challenging than you’d planned
My strength held me up when I felt I’d fall
It steadied my shaking body from within
You never counted on having me stop so soon
Or watching me plant my feet, determined
But most of all I remember your surprise
When you realized, I had turned to fight
You watched my eyes as they filled with rage
I had seen the fear you held inside
My lips pulled back in a most wicked grin
And I saw your foot step back...a first
I knew then, that your suffocation would end
Along with the fear and the threats
I broke from the chains you’d held on my mind
And the coward you are shined through
Just as brightly as the sun that now warms me
A summer day that will not hold you in it
You have no power over my soul anymore
For I am the one that would never fall prey
I am the one to survive your bloodthirsty hunt
And the reason I came out as the victor
The one thing breaking me free of your chains
This predator could never be your prey.
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