In my dream
I see a shadow
Lingering just out of my sight
Standing in the darkness
Weeping silently
The salty droplets fall
They land…each one shattering
My heart
Desperate tearfulness
Passing over my own
Parched lips
The shadow calls me in its mind
Pleading for freedom
Telling me I hold the only key
To the locks that hold it captive
I heed the call
With every step I take
It shrinks further
Into the darkness
The ring of light that surrounds me
Seems to cause it pain
In fear I turn away
I try to run
From my shadowy presence
I cannot
The separation sears my soul
Causing a painful hollow
A cavern in my heart
The eternal wound
So I sit
I wait
For the shadow to come to me
And there it stays
Just out of reach
Remaining always
The splinter in my mind
Light with shadow
Locked in eternal struggle
Wishing to embrace again
Finding no comfort
In the knowledge
That together we share
A single soul
Separation finds me
Shadow locked in light
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