Take these colors in my soul
Ring them out and lay them down
Place them at your feet and look
What do you see?
Another world inside two places at once
How can this be?
A portal within the gateway of the mind
One side shakes and holds the chaos
Wishing to burst free
To be released and thrust forward
Needing for the world to see
What lives beneath the surface?
Just one hard breath from the divine
Breathe deep and pull me in
Hear the cry of death inside
Tamed and held just out of reach
Are you afraid?
You should be
For the hunt is on and you’ve set me loose
To run raging through this plane
No catching me now
I’ll slip through your fingers
Wake up dark son of mine
Because I’ve got something to tell you
Change is coming to take your life
The storm is brewing
Keep your head now
You’ll take it like a man this time
Quenching the thirst for death as I taunt and dive down
I’m right behind you now with an evil grin
You hold still listening
The beat of your heart is deafening
A soft tongue drawn across your neck
Warm breath against your spine
The hairs stand up I moan in ecstasy
My, aren’t you innocent?
I shall corrupt you, make you mine
Rooted, you keep eyes forward
Afraid to look while I trace a nail down your jaw
I slip my hand into your shirt caressing your chest
Smelling the soap on your shoulder
I watch your eyes roll back
Your breath coming in short gasps
Wake up dark son of mine
Because I’ve got something to tell you
Change is coming to take your life
The storm is brewing
Keep your head now
You’ll take it like a man this time
You tremble as eyelids flutter closed
Beg me for your release
I circle you, touching you
Hair, skin, nails positively jumping
I turn from you and take a few steps
I hear you follow
You are under my spell
Your soul’s for sale and I’ve made my bid
Oh yes, eternity with me
Feasts and bounty never ending
You only need slake my thirst
I glance over my shoulder
But I don’t need to look to see
You want me don’t you?
A throaty laugh rings like a bell
Wake up dark son of mine
Because I’ve got something to tell you
Change is coming to take your life
The storm is brewing
Keep your head now
You’ll take it like a man this time
My hips begin to sway slowly
I close my eyes and dance further off
Pulling you off the path
You wonder if this is dream
Do you remember me?
I’ve been visiting you
Watching you sleep so peacefully
I almost pitied you it was so easy
Now here you stand before me
On the verge of immortality
I’ll make you a God
A God that worships only me
I’ll give you a glimpse of heaven
You’ll find it in my arms
While I sink my claws in you
Reveling in delight
Wake up dark son of mine
Because I’ve got something to tell you
Change is coming to take your life
The storm is brewing
Keep your head now
You’ll take it like a man this time
I watch your halo slip and fall
You don’t even notice it shatter on the ground
Now you see my true colors don’t you?
As you take your place among the infinite
A wicked leer paints your features
And I am filled with hellish pride
You make it so easy to murder
You’ll thank me when I’m through
Oh yes, I’m guilty
But have you begged my mercy?
I leave your fate up to you
Do you want redemption?
Or will you follow me to the end while I eat you alive?
I don’t want a martyr by my side
Wake up dark son of mine
Because I’ve got something to tell you
Change is coming to take your life
The storm is brewing
Keep your head now
You’ll take it like a man this time
The pressure is building and your body shudders
I take your hands and press them down
You offer no resistance
I feel you willing, eager
Lost in the sweetness of my fruit
Our bodies reach out as one
In that moment of fire and fury
I pierce you as you pierce me
Wake up dark one of mine
I’ve got something to tell you
The change has come to take your life
Come my child, the storm beckons
Take your place with the divine
You’ll take it like a God in time